What a load of old shit!

Hidden Gems #79
See the Train, It's Yours - Pirates [2012]

Harold James
Tue 22 Aug 2024

German flag Clown Park logo

clown park 001


(EP - MP3, digital)

See the Train, It's Yours

Pirates - digital cover

To whomever may be reading this: you are in grave danger. I don't have much time but my life isn't important. NAN IS HERE!!! She will stop at nothing to get hold of your chromosomes. Whatever you do, do not give in to her. She has her ways and her wiles, but you must not fall for her trickery. She will offer you biscuits, ice cream, chocolate bars, fish & chips, even the odd McDonald's, but -- and I stress this as key -- you mustn't take her offerings. You must deprive her, or else she will kill you.


